Tuesday, April 17, 2007

[chapter 1]

1. Q: Describe each of the characters in this chapter and their relationship with one another.
- 14, long reddish-brownish hair, greenish-grey eyes
- enjoys movies and books
- does very well in school
- kind, pleasant, warm hearted human being
- 16, handsome dark-golden combed back hair, brown eyes
- understanding, always happy-go-lucky & grinning
- one of a kind
- high school dropout who is opened minded and free
- looks out for brother, Pony

- 20, very tall and buff, cold blue-green eyes- determined, tough, cool, smart
- not enough money for college, instead - roofing job
- oldest of brothers Pony & Soda
- misunderstanding especially to Pony
Steve Randle:
- 17, tall, curly combed hair
- cocky and smart
- best friends with soda
- interest in cars

- elfish face, blond ungreased hair, cold eyes
- toughest, coldest, wildest, meanest of the gang
- drinks, rides in rodeo’s, lies, cheats, jumps small kids
- large reputation and police record
- 18, 6feet tall, oldest of gang, wide grin, grey eyes
- always has to put his “two bits” in
- wise cracker and always makes funny remarks
- shoplifter, carried switchblade, smarted off to cops
- interests – blondes, fights and school

- youngest in gang, slight build, black eyes/hair
- nervous and suspicious
- father beats him, mother neglects
- gang is his family

2. Q: Who are the Socs? Who are the Greasers?
A: The Soc’s are the socials, who are the higher or middleclass that live on the Westside of town. They jump greasers, wreck houses, and drink lavishly. One day they are in the local paper for being a public disgrace the next, beneficial to society. From what I have seen so far in the novel they don’t seem to be very nice or likeable people, from Ponyboy’s point of view.

The Greasers are “greasy,” who are classified as bellow middleclass and live on the Eastside of town. They are the gritty, tough and mean looking and have greasy combed backed hair. The Greasers are almost like hoods. They steal things, drive old souped-up cars, and have a gang fights at times. Both are different types of people with different ways of living whom are constantly feuding amongst each other.

3. Q: How does Ponyboy's relationships with Darry and Sodapop differ? Explain.
A: Ponyboy has an enormous amount of love for Sodapop. The reasoning for this would be that Soda always accepts Pony and forgives his mistakes. He inspires Ponyboy positively and tells him not only what he wants but needs to hear. For example, when Pony got jumped and Darry yelled at him Soda came in comforted him by saying how Darry didn’t mean any of it. Darry on the other hand is very tough on Ponyboy and makes him feel bad about something’s. Ponyboy sometimes doesn’t feel he loves him and that he's “just and other mouth to feed and someone else to holler at.” He’s always pushing Pony in school and makes sure his marks are high and always improving. When ever Pony makes mistakes instead of discussing the matter, Darry just yells at him and points out all that he did wrong.

4. Q: Why is the 'gang' important to Johnny?
A: The gang is important to Johnny because it gives him a sense of family. The gang is always there for him and treat him as their kid-brother. In Johnny’s real family, his father beats him & his mother neglects him. The gang is a place he feels safe and is where he can find and understand what love and affection is. For example, Johnny attempts to run away but the gang makes him remain.

5. Q: How does Ponyboy react to what Sodapop tells him about Darry?
A: He really didn't think twice about what Soda was trying to express. Inside he felt that this wasn't true since he had to keep in the sarcasm when he said "sure". Also "sure" isn't a very convincing statement either, sarcasm or non.

6. Q: Do you think Darry loves Ponyboy? Why does he treat Ponyboy the way he does?
A: I think that Darry truly does love Ponyboy. He just expresses in a different way. Darry provides Ponyboy with a lot of discipline, he makes sure his homework is completed and his grades are good. He also reminds Ponyboy to use his head even in a rude inconsiderate way, so maybe next time he will. Darry makes sure that he also doesn't get in trouble with the police. He treats Ponyboy the way he does because Ponyboy is the baby and he's just looking out for him. Darry wants him to succeed and do the right thing. And from these examples I think Darry definitely does love Ponyboy.

7. Q: What does Ponyboy mean on page 18 when he says, "I lie to myself all the time"? Do you ever lie to yourself? Why?
A: He means that he tells himself something that isn't true often. The reasoning for this is usually because you are hiding from the truth because it may hurt you or something you are dislike. Sometimes I will lie to myself to make myself feel better about a situation, even though deep down I know by lying its harming me even more.

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